Walking in Light
Bridging the Gap
Finding the Path
“I love my work as a medium. I love to be connected with spirit, doing spirit work with people who are grieving over losing their loved ones, or hurting from past experiences. I am truly blessed…”
Walking in Light, Kelvin’s personal memoir, was in the Booksellers NZ Nielsen Weekly Bestsellers top 10 for 13 consecutive weeks, several at No 1. It was also No 4 in the Best of the Bestsellers list for 2009. In 2010 it enjoyed a further few weeks in the Top 10.
Bridging the Gap: Channelling Spirit to Heal Hearts spent 14 consecutive weeks in the Booksellers New Zealand Nielsen Weekly Bestsellers top 10, several at No 1.
“Kelvin’s easy writing style is a delight to read with every page turn. I give this book five stars. The book leaves you wanting more. Now, to me, that’s a sign of a good read!” – David Hartnell, Hartnell’s Hollywood.
“I found it incredibly satisfying… an easy read, and I have to say it’s been very, very well edited. Sometimes with this style of dictation it tends to ramble a bit. Here the editor has done a really good job. It’s very tight, so that you’re only reading the important bits… A very interesting snapshot of a certain person’s life” – Sonja de Freiz, Radio New Zealand National, Nine to Noon, April 24, 2009.
“Regardless of how you feel about the supernatural bells and whistles, or the reliability of TV’s Sensing Murder, it’s hard not to be touched by the honesty and sensitivity in this action-packed story of spiritual highs and terrible lows…” – Philip Matthews, Your Weekend magazine.
“This is a very special book…” – reader review on fishpond.co.nz